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Senior Men's Cricket Information

Kilsyth Cricket Club in 2023/24 had six senior men's teams and we are always looking to expand our numbers.

Kilsyth Cricket Club is proud to support community sport through fielding community cricket teams, enabling an environment where participants can benefit physically and socially through playing the game of cricket.


Senior Eligibility
Who are we recruiting? Who can play Seniors/Veterans?

  • For the Men's senior teams, KCC is open to recruiting those above 18 years of age. However if you are a junior and would like to also play seniors, we do support this for those that are ready to do so.

  • KCC is also open to recruiting girls from ages 5 to 18 for junior boys cricket of all experience and ability.     Click here for more information on junior cricket.

  • For those interested in Veteran's cricket, players must be Over 40 to compete in this competition.


Senior Values
What are our team values at Kilsyth?

  • An inclusive, supportive and friendly environment for all to enjoy.

  • Having fun whilst being competitive and playing the game in positive spirits.

  • Players are expected to adhere to the KCC Code of Conduct when they enter the playing field for any match and conduct themselves in a respectful manner at all times.


Senior Fees
Are there any costs/fees?

  • There are fees for Senior Men's cricket. The fees help to cover the costs of match balls, Club affiliation fees, umpires fees etc.

  • There are discounted Concession rates for those eligible eg. University/TAFE Student, Health Care Card Holder etc. Those who are not eligible for Concession rates pay the full fee but can get a discount if fully paid before the season begins.

  • There is flexibility in the way fees can be payed such as in installments/payment plans. Please see the Treasurer to discuss your options.


Competition and Match Information
What formats are played? How long are games? When are games played?

  • Men's teams compete in the RDCA competition across various grades.

  • The formats played are Two Day Matches (70-80 overs per team played across two weekends) and One Day Matches (35-40 overs per team played on one weekend).

  • All matches are played on weekends on a Saturday afternoon starting at 1pm.

  • Veteran's Over 40's cricket is played in a Twenty20 format (20 overs a side) on Tuesday evenings.


Attire - Training and Match Day
What do I wear at training and on match day?

  • All players must wear KCC's playing uniform. Please see the Club's merchandise manager to obtain the appropriate attire.

  • For Two Day games in all grades, white pants and a white top most be worn and a Club cap or a wide brim hat.

  • For One Day games in the Fourth XI and below, whites must also be worn and a Club cap/hat.

  • However for Premier Grades (First, Second & Third XI's) their One Day game attire consists of black playing pants, club playing shirt and Club cap or a wide brim hat.

Season Duration
Is there a Christmas break? How long is cricket season?

  • The cricket season generally runs from October through until March.

  • There is a break over the Christmas period. The fixture will detail a full schedule of the season.


Senior Training
Where and when is training?

  • Senior Men's training is run on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at the Club from 5:30pm onwards.

  • Senior players are expected to wear either a white top and black pants/shorts to training or any comfortable Club attire they have.

  • Generally, the Men train together each week in groups in the nets and on the ovals. The coach will instruct players where and how the training session will be run.

  • Pre-season training is held from August to September indoors at a local indoor cricket centre.

  • In the event of extreme heat, training may be cancelled. In the event of heavy rain forecasts, training may be moved to and conducted at an indoor cricket centre.


Senior Registration
I would like to play, how can I register?

  • Whilst Registrations can be taken in person, the preferred method for Registrations for Men's cricket are taken online. To register please go to and search "KILSYTH CRICKET CLUB". Click on the applicable Men's program offered and proceed to register. This is a very simple, safe and secure process.

  • Alternatively, you can click the button below which takes you directly to the sign up page.

Kilsyth CC


Get in Touch with our Senior Cricket Contact

Kilsyth CC Logo (new)_edited.png

If you have any further questions or queries please don't hesitate to contact the Club's President, Shaun Goodwin. Shaun's contact details are as follows:

M: 0422 190 501

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